Lab Research Area

Research Topic

Major Research Results

Main Journal
BigData/AI/MIS/Smart Tourism (International Journal[SSCI/SCIE/SCOPUS] 52 papers, Domestic Journal[KCI] 76 papers, 4 Books)
  • [KCI] 2021, Factors Influencing Live Commerce Consumers’ Watching and Purchase Intentions: Focusing on the Taobao Platform in China, Internet Electronic Commerce Research.
  • [KCI] 2021, The impact of travel product selection attributes and influencer characteristics on consumer satisfaction and responses related to travel with influencers: Based on the S-O-R framework, International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research.
  • [KCI] 2021, Deterrence Factors of Game Piracy: Focusing on a Comparison Between Illegal and Legal Users, Journal of Consumption Culture.
  • [SSCI] 2021, Dyadic Communication in Online Review Platforms: An Exploratory Approach, Current Issues in Tourism.
  • [SSCI] 2021, IT-Enabled Sustainable Development in Electric Scooter Sharing Platforms: Focusing on the Privacy Concerns for Traceable Information, Information Technology for Development.
  • [SSCI] 2021, What Makes You Continuously Use Chatbot Services? Evidence from Chinese Online Travel Agencies, Electronic Markets.
  • [SSCI] 2021, Promoting User Participation of Shared Mobility in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from Chinese Bike Sharing Services, Sustainability.
  • [SSCI] 2021, Out of Sight, Out of Cancellation: The Impact of Psychological Distance on the Cancellation Behavior of Tourists, Journal of Air Transport Management.
  • [SSCI] 2022, Investigating the net benefits of contactless technologies in quick-service restaurants: The moderating roles of social interaction anxiety and language proficiency, Internet Research.
  • [SSCI] 2022, Detecting fake reviews with supervised machine learning algorithms, The Service Industries Journal.
  • [SSCI] 2022, Can low-carbon value bring high returns? Novel quantitative trading from portfolio-of-investment targets in a new-energy market, Economic Analysis and Policy.
  • [SSCI] 2023, Cross-border electronic commerce’s new path: From literature review to AI text generation, Data Science and Management.
  • [SSCI] 2023, Tourism experience and quality of life: The roles of autobiographical memory and social networking service posting behaviour, International Journal of Mobile Communication.
  • [SSCI] 2023, The Design of an Intelligent Lightweight Stock Trading System Using Deep Learning Models: Employing Technical Analysis Methods, Systems.
  • [SSCI] 2023, What Makes Viewers Engage in Live Streaming Shopping during and after the Pandemic: An Affordance Perspective, Service Business.
  • [SSCI] 2023, Triadic spatial distance and social media assets for food tourists, Current Issues in Tourism.
Top Journal 4 papers (MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Tourism Management )
  • [SSCI-Top Journal] 2019, Exploring the Effect of Airbnb Hosts’ Attachment and Psychological Ownership in the Sharing Economy, Tourism Management.
  • [SSCI-Top Journal] 2012, Using Real Options to Investigate the Market Value of Virtual World Businesses, Information Systems Research.
  • [SSCI-Top Journal] 2011, An Odyssey into Virtual Worlds: Exploring the Impacts of Technological and Spatial Environments on Intention to Purchase Virtual Products, MIS Quarterly.
  • [SSCI-Top Journal] 2022, Spatial and social distances between US domestic travelers in restaurant review assessment, Tourism Management.