Developing a Predictive Model of Young Job Seekers’ Preference for Hidden Champions Using Machine Learning and Analyzing the Relative Importance of Preference Factors
YoonJu Cho, JinSoo Kim, Hwanseok Bae, Sung-Byung Yang, Sanghyeok Yoon. (2023). "Developing a Predictive Model of Young Job Seekers’ Preference for Hidden Champions Using Machine Learning and Analyzing the Relative Importance of Preference Factors". The Journal of Information Systems, 32(4), 229-245.
조윤주, 김진수, 배환석, 양성병, 윤상혁. (2023). "머신러닝을 활용한 청년 구직자의 강소기업 선호 예측모형 개발 및 요인별 상대적 중요도 분석". 정보시스템연구, 32(4), 229-245.